This week, we were delighted to announce that our intuitive Aptitude assessment (GIA) has been added to our new Thomas platform. This news marks the start of our global general availability roll-out of our new talent assessment platform, including Thomas Perform and Thomas Profile, after the successful completion of its initial launch phase in the UK.
The Aptitude assessment is an important tool for helping businesses identify best-fit candidates, and avoid making costly hiring mistakes. Predicting role and team fit makes good business sense, but also focuses on the individual and their personal well-being, improving employee engagement and productivity as well.
The Thomas Aptitude assessment enables organisations to gain a detailed understanding of a person’s general intelligence and how quickly they can grasp the fundamentals of a new role. The assessment focuses on a range of cognitive skills and covers individuals’ abilities to reason (reasoning), detect errors (perceptual speed), process numbers (number speed & accuracy), process words (word meaning) and process visual information (spatial visualisation).
Aptitude tests can provide the answers to questions such as:
- Can this person think on their feet?
- Can they cope with the mental demands of a role?
- How able are they to thrive in a high-pace, dynamic environment?
- Could this person be a high-flyer?
- Is this person a fast problem solver?
Looking beyond smarter hiring decisions, Thomas assessments are used to optimise each step of the journey that underpins an employee’s lifecycle:
Psychometric assessments support predictive hiring
But what does that mean? Predictive hiring tools focus on combining science, data and analytics to predict the role and cultural fit of employees and candidates. They generate insights on aptitude, behavioural and personality traits as well as other characteristics that can apply to both current and potential future roles, spanning the full talent life cycle. They do this by comparing individual profiles, which are automatically created from assessment results, against those of high-performing workers, or against job profiles created by selecting the ideal aptitudes and behavioural traits for the role.
Our platform will help you identify best-fit candidates for any particular role. Best-fit candidates prove quicker and easier to onboard, require less training, deliver value faster, are more productive and tend to stay longer in organisations. All of these factors will help companies both improve top line performance and reduce operating costs, something that businesses need even more now as they look to move forward with confidence through the year.
Now is the right time to use Aptitude assessments
As businesses look to bounce back after a difficult 2020, they’ll be looking to grow, and as a result hire more people. However, many will likely be working with fewer resources and addressing a larger candidate pool than in previous years as a result of the pandemic. In the face of these challenges, it's even more critical that business leaders have the right tools and support so they can hire best-fit candidates.
Landmark research from the American Psychology Association (including Frank L. Schmidt & John E. Hunter (1998)) found that higher cognitive ability (or general intelligence), which is measured by the Thomas Aptitude assessment, is directly linked to higher employee productivity and performance in role.
The Thomas Behaviour and Aptitude assessments together help businesses predict the role and cultural fit of employees and candidates. They do so by empowering managers to make the best people decisions by comparing the cognitive abilities and behavioural traits of applicants to those of successful employees in similar roles or against job profiles created to reflect the preferred aptitudes and behavioural traits of their ideal candidate. This insight enables businesses and SMEs to identify best-fit candidates quickly and consistently.
Read more about our Aptitude assessment here and get in touch with our experts to explore how Thomas could help you exceed your business goals in 2021.