Building progressive talent cultures |

Building progressive talent cultures

Building progressive talent cultures

‘The Talent Time Bomb’ Research Report revealed that most businesses have under a year to make crucial changes before facing serious financial impacts. So how can you avoid being caught out by the Talent Time Bomb? 

With insights from over 900 HR and Talent leaders, this eBook equips you to weather the impending storm and ensure your business thrives amid economic turbulence. Download it now and start securing your company’s success.

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What does the guide cover?

Perceptual Speed icon

Why is employee engagement falling off a cliff?

‘Permacrisis’ was 2022’s word of the year, with sustained disruption and shifting employee expectations contributing to record resignations. We reveal the root causes of employee malaise. 

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How can you deliver a world class employee experience?

As global economic volatility continues, HR leaders are under immense pressure to empower their employees. Nearly a thousand tell us how their most successful strategies for doing so in this guide.

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How can you adapt to thrive despite economic shocks?

‘The Talent Time Bomb’ Research Report shed light on the dire consequences of not acting fast. This guide breaks down how HR leaders can redeploy talent based on people’s soft skills and potential.