Leading authority on psychometrics to chair newly created Thomas Science Board

Thomas today announced that John Cooper has joined Thomas as Strategic Advisor and Chair of Science Board.
John is a leading authority on psychometrics and Emotional Intelligence and has built several businesses leveraging cutting-edge tools, alongside his work coaching and developing leaders in global organisations. He holds several non-executive director and chair positions for leading people science companies as well as supporting a number of FTSE organisations as a leadership coach and C-suite facilitator.
John will be guiding Thomas as we continue to enhance the psychological framework that powers our Team Interaction Optimisation (TIO) platform. He will also lead and further develop our science community, consisting of academics, practitioners, and professionals in the field of understanding human potential, and its application in the workplace.
“I am delighted to be able to join Thomas at such an exciting time” commented John Cooper, “as the company embarks on its vision to address many of the critical talent management issues that businesses face today, and to achieve this though the application of people science and AI powered technology.”
Gareth Jones, Chief Product Officer at Thomas, commented, “we are delighted to have John on board. He brings significant psychological expertise and commercial market experience which will be invaluable in our quest to extend our next generation TIO platform. He will also help us to establish, what we hope will be, one of the leading communities in people science over the coming year.”
About Thomas
Thomas transforms the performance of organisations around the world by equipping individuals with a greater understanding of themselves. Its team interaction optimisation (TIO) platform, powered by proven assessments and data science, improves recruitment and development decisions as well as optimising everyday interactions. Founded in 1981, Thomas empowers millions of people across 140 countries every year to feel more fulfilled, build stronger connections and prosper in role.