Construction Recruitment Test
You’re dealing with digital transformation, supply chain uncertainty and rising costs whilst finding the next generation of workers. The last thing you want to be worrying about is whether you’ve hired the right person.

Types of recruitment tests for construction & manufacturing
Staff with the right skills are increasingly expensive and hard to find, with essential manufacturing and construction roles going unfilled for longer. This increases the strain on existing staff, impacting productivity and employee engagement, whilst lengthening project delivery timescales. You’re competing with other industries for top talent, and seeing skilled staff retire – how do you ensure you find the best talent and increase diversity across your employee base as well?

Recruitment costs are significantly lower. The time to fill a position has been reduced, the resources required to hire have been reduced, turnover of news hires have been reduced, while the speed at which new hires positively impact the organization has increased.
Find and train your next generation of talent
Manufacturing and construction companies are facing a skill shortage.

How we can help
- Remove subjective bias from hiring decisions using behavioural science and industry norms to pinpoint the right people for your role and organisation
- Identify development areas for key staff to uplift performance
- Track progress of your staff development with 360 degree feedback, giving them visibility of their growth and impact on colleagues and the business
A diverse workforce makes your company more successful
Increasing the diversity in your business can be hard. The traditional image of a manufacturing or construction worker doesn’t accurately reflect current, let alone future business needs.

Aptitude test for construction workers
- Hire based on data, not gut feel by assessing your candidates against an objective job profile
- Overcome the skills gap by hiring for aptitude as well as experience
- Decrease time to hire and build the team your business needs for today and beyond

The PPA (Thomas Behaviour assessment) has helped build trust between managers and employees, and between team members. Manager effectiveness is at 85% - a big increase from 68% a few years prior.
Retain your people in a global labour shortage
Manufacturing and construction firms are competing for top talent. Maximise engagement by equipping your leaders to manage, motivate, and communicate with your people more effectively.

How we can help
- Thomas assessments provide the behavioural insights you need to increase engagement
- Easily see how your staff cope with pressure and stress and how to support them with the Thomas Personality assessment
- Track engagement levels across your organisation with Thomas Engage, your secret weapon in the war against talent attrition

Retention Guide
Retaining employees is more cost effective than hiring new staff, and with 50% of the global workforce considering a change of career, you can’t afford not to focus on your people. Find out what the top causes of employee attrition are, and how you can inspire and engage your people for greater loyalty and longer tenure.