Case studies
How Thomas International SA assisted DUT with their executive and management performance reviews
Durban University of Technology (DUT)

The Challenge
DUT had a performance score card with Key Outputs (KO’s) that line managers had to use to rate their team members for the performance review process. Each KO was allocated a weighting and had a related objective that the candidate was scored on.
The challenge was that DUT requested the 360 survey be combined
with the final scoring on this performance score card in order to achieve an overall scoring for the candidate in a fair and ethical way.

The Solution
12 competencies with 48 related statements were selected from the Thomas International 360 Senior Leadership Template with two additional qualitative questions.
All responses were anonymous. DUT provided a list of respondents for each candidate which were split into Candidate, Line Manager, Team Members and Peers.
The team & peers were identified as people who worked closely with the candidate. A Thomas Consultant then randomly selected 2 peers and 2 team members from this list to participate in the 360 survey.
All respondents were briefed and communicated to by a Thomas Consultant to ensure confidentiality and objectivity were maintained throughout the process.
The executive leaders completed the 360 survey in 2019 and 2020.
The executive team were given a 360 awareness session by a Thomas International Consultant who appraised them on how the tool worked, how to interpret the results and how to give feedback to staff that they would assess in the future.
11 candidates in a senior management position were also assessed on the same competencies in 2020 for their annual performance reviews.
The 360 reports were sent to line managers to conduct the feedback with the candidates.

The Results
The final scoring for the candidate on the Performance Scorecard was converted into a score out of 4. The 360 survey was based on a 7-point Likert scale which was then also converted to a score out of 4 to match the Performance scorecard.
We then worked out the weighting within the 360 report. Each competency had a result that was based on the combined scoring from the Manager, Team and Peers. There was also a result for each competency that the candidate scored themselves on. These are known as the scores for “Excluding Self” and “Self”.
The score for “Excluding Self” was given a weighting of 20% and the score for “Self” was given a weighting of 10%. The score from the performance Scorecard was given a weighting of 80%. When the 360 score and Performance Scorecard score were combined it placed the candidate into one of four different categories ranging from Unsatisfactory Performance to Exceeds Expectations.
Thomas SA successfully maintained the confidentiality and objectively of the process. Thomas SA was also able to effectively combine the scoring template from DUT with the scoring of the 360 survey and effectively rate the candidate in an ethical and fair manner.