Case studies
Thomas assessment tools prove instrumental in helping Winshuttle to save thousands of dollars by choosing candidates that fit the role better

The Challenge
Winshuttle made two crucial hires in 2015; a new CEO and a new Vice President of Human Resources, Stacy Cheuvront. This was exciting as the company had never had a VP of HR position before. Given that their main objective was growth by mergers and acquisitions, meant one key thing to most employees, change.
The executive leadership team recognized that changes could affect them as much as their employees. Their first priority as the new CEO and VP of HR was to help the executive team learn how to work together and build a deeper level of trust. This was a key strategy setting the tone for the business. The employees would be looking to the executive team for guidance in how to react and respond to the changes.
Stacy was already an expert in the language of DISC when she joined Winshuttle. DISC is William Moulton Marston’s theory of workplace behaviour and measures preferences according to Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Compliance. Thomas International has one of the most reliable and valid DISC tools in the market; the Personal profile Analysis, PPA. Stacy is an accredited PPA practitioner. She has been using the tool for more than 10 years helping people understand themselves better, to learn to communicate more effectively and efficiently, and work better together to build trust.

The Solution
Stacy’s first initiative was to have the executive team profiled with the PPA, have individual one-on-one feedback sessions, and to come together as a team to understand each others preferred work styles and actual team culture which was delivered by their Thomas senior consultant. The goal of this training was to give the executive team a common language to communicate, to talk about behaviours, where they align with each other, and where there may be gaps that could cause friction.
The team learned what makes each other tick and what ticks each other off; invaluable information for an executive team which could take a team months, if not years, to understand with out this type of platform for candid discussion. Since this starting point, Stacy has rolled out the use of the PPA to the whole business globally.
Interviews: they use the PPA to help guide the interview discussion and to help a hiring manager learn how best to manage their new hires
Teams: they use the PPA to help them determine what gaps are required in a team and recruit to suit
Job matching: the PPA helps inform which clients each team aligns best with
The Executive Team uses the PPA in tandem with the 360 to round out both the self-awareness and the awareness from other people – how this person really shows up for work
Onboarding: every quarter all new hires are invited to a two-hour session where they learn more about DISC with interactive exercises geared toward deepening communication skills

The Results
Go into any Winshuttle office globally and you are sure to see DISC coloured bricks around, as a foundation for communication the bricks help everyone remember what the different behaviours mean and how to modify their behaviours towards that person.
Using the PPA in recruitment has saved the business thousands of dollars helping them to choose candidates who fit the roles better, stay longer, and are more productive.
On working with Thomas, Stacy cites specifically her Consultant and the broader team at Thomas. In her words: “you guys have done a really good job with the materials, client support, and education. You go out of your way to teach us how to use the tool and to facilitate quality sessions that are meaningful to our business.”