Case studies
CDUK gains better understanding of its people with Thomas

The Challenge
Early in the process of establishing CDUK, the chairman, Geoff Baker, was looking for ways of building strong foundations for the business. He was impressed by the simplicity and effectiveness of behavioural profiling through the Personal Profile Analysis (PPA) assessment to enable people to be self-aware and aware of others, and soon started implementing it in CDUK’s recruitment processes. The company was handed down to Geoff’s son, Gary, who decided to look at the full suite of Thomas assessments and how they could be implemented into their business to develop their staff further.

The Solution
CDUK now use Thomas’ TEIQue assessment, which asses how well people understand and manage their emotions and the GIA which measures aptitude. The assessments are used not only for recruitment, but as part of the onboarding process, integrating people into their teams and as part of individual annual appraisals. By using these tools, there is a more consistent language between staff and individuals now have a better guide of how to work with others, based on their profiles.
Gary states, “It seemed an obvious thing to use a full range of the tools to really allow us to get a rounded picture of the individual that we might be bringing into the organisation.” Carrie Tipple, Customer Services Manager at CDUK, experienced using the tools as part of her recruitment process when applying to the company. Having taken PPA, Carrie explains: “I was really fascinated that my future line manager had a thorough insight into the way I function in a working environment before we’d even worked together.” When onboarded and settled into the business, Thomas’s assessments are then used going forward as part of their annual appraisals.

The Results
“If you’re committed to getting the most out of your business and serious about your people, you need to understand the people that work for you. The best way of doing that is through using profiling tools that a company like Thomas provides.” CDUK have found that the platform for using Thomas assessments works really well, and that employees and managers alike have found using the tools useful as part of self-awareness and awareness of others.